Thursday, December 16, 2010

Acai Berry Actives Weight Loss

Acai Berry Actives Weight Loss is one of the strongest weight-loss products we've ever studied, with test subjects safely losing an average of 25 pounds in 30 days without additional diet or exercise.
Acai Berry Actives Weight Loss. This contains the highest amount of Acai Berry Actives of any product on the market today (over 1,000 mg per daily serving). New clinical research shows Acai Berry Actives Weight Loss, which are native to every one, have an antioxidant ORAC rating of 8,687 -- the highest of any food, and 12.6 times the antioxidant levels of Acai Berries.
Further, new research from South America shows the Acai Berry extract found in Acai Berry -6 has powerful fat-fighting properties, speeding the metabolism, reducing appetite, and safely reducing fat cell size and number.
As noted, test subjects not only lost an average of 25 pounds in just 30 days, subjects also dropped an average of one-half their bodyfat percentage within 8 weeks of use.
The Acai Berry-6 formula also contains rich amounts of 5 additional "superfood" extracts: Acai Berry, Goji Berry, Green Tea, Resveratrol, and Pomegranate. 
After compiling ratings data from 30,487 customers, as well as the analyses of our panel of university research scientists, Acai Berry-6 is 2010's #1 rated weight-loss product -- and also the #1 product for antioxidant and health benefits.
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